Homepage of Matthias Ludewig

About Me

I am a professor at the University of Greifswald. Previously, I was a PostDoc at the University of Regensburg in the group of Bernd Ammann.

I am interested in the geometry and topology of manifolds, and relations between the two. Here, much of my research is inspired by techniques, principles and heuristics from mathematical physics. In my research, I try to combine theory and techniques from areas like differential geometry, global and geometric analysis, geometric asymptotics and stochastic analysis on manifolds but also from homotopy theory and higher category theory.

I am a member of the SFB Higher Invariants based in Regensburg. I am a PI of two projects: Higher invariants in functorial field theory (with Claudia Scheimbauer) and Index theory on submanifold complements (with Bernd Ammann and Ulrich Bunke).


My E-mail address is MyFirstName.MyLastname (at) uni-greifswald.de