Homepage of Matthias Ludewig

Curriculum Vitae

2012: Diploma in Mathematics

2013/14: Visiting student researcher at Stanford University, with Fulbright Fellowship. Local Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo.

2016: PhD in Mathematics (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Potsdam. Thesis: Path integrals on manifolds with boundary and their asymptotic expansions. Advisor: Christian Bär. Stipend of the Potsdam Graduate School

2016-2018: PostDoc at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. Mentor: Peter Teichner.

2018-2020: Australian Laureate Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, in the group of Mathai Varghese

2020-2024: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit at the University of Regensburg, in the group of Bernd Ammann

since 2024: Professor at the University of Greifswald (Chair for "Reine Mathematik")